万物互联·泛在智能 // Ubiquitous Connectivity - Ambient Intelligence

嵌入式智能国际大会 // Embedded AI Summit

中国,广东省,深圳市人才研修院,南山区沁园路4589号 // 4589 Qinyuan St. Nanshan District, Shenzhen Talent Research Institute, Guangdong Province, China


嵌入式智能国际大会 // Embedded AI Summit

嵌入式智能(Embedded AI)是物联网与AI的融合,将AI能力从云端移到设备端和边缘端。 嵌入式智能国际大会借鉴嵌入式视觉联盟(Embedded Vision Alliance)的成功经验, 展示嵌入式AI的未来,涵盖计算机视觉、3D视觉,医疗影像处理、语音识别、NLP、 传感器融合、自动驾驶等核心技术和应用。会议将集聚全球嵌入式智能最有影响力的科学家、 企业家、思想者对领域的技术前沿、产业趋势和行业实践发表演讲。数十家芯片、模组、 工具和应用集成商展示最新产品,是不容错过的行业盛会。 // Embedded AI is the fusion of the Internet of Things and AI, moving AI capabilities from the Cloud to the device and edge. The 2019 Embedded Intelligence International Conference will be held in Shenzhen from December 6th to 7th to showcase the future of embedded AI, including key technologies and applications such as computer vision, 3D vision, medical image processing, speech recognition, NLP, sensor fusion, and autonomous driving. The conference will bring together the most influential scientists, entrepreneurs and thinkers of embedded intelligence around the world to discuss the technological frontiers, industry trends and practices in the field. Dozens of international leading companies specializing in chips, modules, tools and application will showcase their latest products.

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    天 // Day(s)
  • 17

    时 // Hour(s)
  • 30

    分 // Minutes

中国·深圳 // Shenzhen·China | 2019.12.6 – 2019.12.7

会议地址 // Location

中国,广东省,深圳市人才研修院,南山区沁园路4589号 // 4589 Qinyuan St. Nanshan District, Shenzhen Talent Research Institute, Guangdong Province, China

大会日程 // Schedule at a Glance

日期 // Data 时间 // Time 主题 // Theme
12月6日 // Dec. 6th. 09:00-17:00 主论坛:开源开放的嵌入式智能 // Main Forum: Open Source and Open Embedded Intelligence
17:00-21:30 主题报告+欢迎酒会 // Plenary Keynote + Welcome Reception
12月7日 // Dec. 7th. 09:00-12:30 主论坛:万物互联-泛在智能 // Main Forum: Ambient Intelligence
13:30-17:30 AIoT前沿技术 // AIoT Cutting Edge Technology
AIoT创新应用 // AIoT Innovative Application
商业与投资 // Business and Investment
青年学者论坛 // Rising Star Forum
  • 主论坛 // Main Forum

    开源开放的嵌入式智能 // Open Source Embedded Intelligence

    12 月 6 日 星期五 // Friday, Dec. 6

  • 主论坛 // Main Forum

    万物互联-泛在智能 // Internet of Everything-Ubiquitous Intelligence

    12 月 7 日 星期六(上午) // Saturday, Dec. 7


    菁英学者论坛 // Youth Scholar Forum        

    12 月 7 日 星期六(下午) // Saturday, Dec. 7


    AIoT 前沿技术 // AIoT Cutting-Edge Technology

    12 月 7 日 星期六(下午) // Saturday, Dec. 7


    AIoT 创新应用 //       AIoT Innovative         Application

    12 月 7 日 星期六(下午) // Saturday, Dec. 7


    产业论坛 //       Industry Forum              

    12 月 7 日 星期六(下午) // Saturday, Dec. 7

  • 8:00-8:45

    大会签到 // Registration

  • 8:45-9:00

    大会开幕:欢迎致辞 // Opening Welcome Remarks

    刘劼,大会主席,哈尔滨工业大学人工智能研究院院长,IEEE Fellow // Jie Liu, Conference Chair, Dean of the AI Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, IEEE Fellow

  • 9:00-9:25

    主题演讲:Reactors for Distributed Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems // Keynote Speech: Reactors for Distributed Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems

    Edward Lee,加州大学伯克利分校电气工程与计算机科学杰出教授,EECS 前系主任,IEEE Fellow // Edward Lee, Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, Former Head of EECS, IEEE Fellow

  • 9:25-9:50

    主题演讲:Challenges to Memory-Centric Computing // Keynote Speech: Challenges to Memory-Centric Computing

    Tei-Wei Kuo,香港城市大学李兆基讲席教授,校长资深顾问,工学院院长, ACM/IEEE Fellow // Tei-Wei Kuo, Lee Shau-Kee Chair Professor of Information Engineering, Advisor to President, Dean of College of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, ACM / IEEE Fellow

  • 9:50-10:15

    主题演讲:嵌入式人工智能与芯粒的历史机遇 // Keynote Speech: Embedded AI and Opportunities of Chiplet

    戴伟民,芯原创始人, 董事长兼总裁,加州大学圣克鲁兹分校计算机工程 系终身教授,前 Celestry 董事长兼首席技术长 // Weimin Dai, Founder, Chairman and President of VeriSilicon, Former Chairman and Chief Technology Officer of Celestry

  • 10:15-10:40

    主题演讲:人工智能:从历史看未来 // Keynote Speech: Artificial Intelligence: Looking to the Future from the Past

    张晓东(尼克),乌镇智库理事长,《人工智能简史》作者 // Xiaodong Zhang (Nick Zhang), Founder and Chairman of Wuzhen Institute, Author of “A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence”

  • 10:40-11:00

    茶歇 // Break

    《人工智能简史》作者尼克现场签名 // Author of “A Brief History of AI”,signed by Nick Zhang

  • 11:00-11:25

    主题演讲:Intersection of 3 Major Industry Trends, View from NVIDIA // Keynote Speech: Intersection of 3 Major Industry Trends, View from NVIDIA

    赖俊杰,NVIDIA中国区工程及解决方案总监 // Junjie Lai, Director of Engineering and Solutions, NVIDIA China

  • 11:25-11:50

    主题演讲: 嵌入式智能深度应用:实地智慧人居场景 // Keynote Speech: In-depth Application of Embedded Intelligence: the Perspective of SEEDLAND in Smart Living Environment

    许振斌, 实地集团首席科学家兼技术工程院院长 // Zhenbin Xu, Chief Scientist, President of Technical Engineering Institute of SEEDLAND

  • 11:50-12:30

    对话:AIoT –学术与产业创新 // Dialogue: AIoT- Academic and Industrial Innovations

    主持人 // Host

    — 刘劼,哈尔滨工业大学人工智能研究院院长,IEEE Fellow // — Jie Liu, Conference Chair, Dean of the AI Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, IEEE Fellow

    对话嘉宾 // Dialogue guests

    — 李向阳,中国科技大学计算机学院院长,IEEE Fellow // — Xiangyang Li, Dean of School of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, IEEE Fellow

    — 何田,阿里巴巴本地生活首席科学家,技术副总裁,ACM/IEEE Fellow // — Tian He, Chief Scientist of Alibaba Local Life, Vice President of Technology, ACM / IEEE Fellow

    — 戴伟民,芯原创始人, 董事长兼总裁 // — Weimin Dai, Founder, Chairman and President of VeriSilicon

    — 冯翔,苏州市产业技术研究院院长,国家特聘专家 // — Xiang Feng, President of Suzhou Industrial Technology Research Institute, National Distinguished Expert

  • 12:30-13:30

    午餐 // Lunch

  • 13:30-13:55

    主题演讲:人工智能浪潮下的物联网:智能、无源、安全问题之初探 // Keynote Speech: The Internet of Things in the Wave of Artificial Intelligence: A Preliminary Exploration of Intelligent, Passive, and Security Issues

    李向阳,中国科技大学计算机学院院长,IEEE Fellow // Xiangyang Li, Dean of School of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, IEEE Fellow

  • 13:55-14:20

    主题演讲:即时配送,智联可达 // Keynote Speech:Instant Delivery, Intelligent Reachability

    何田,阿里巴巴本地生活首席科学家,技术副总裁,ACM/IEEE Fellow // Tian He, Chief Scientist of Alibaba Local Life, Vice President of Technology, ACM / IEEE Fellow

  • 14:20-14:45

    主题演讲:Learning in the Physical world: Enabling Structures as Sensors // Keynote Speech: Learning in the Physical world: Enabling Structures as Sensors

    张旆,卡内基梅隆大学电气与计算机工程副教授 // Pei Zhang, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

  • 14:45-15:10

    主题演讲: 物联时代的边缘智能感知与通信 // Keynote Speech: Edge Intelligent Sensing and Communication in the Internet of Things

    张黔,香港科技大学计算机系腾讯讲座教授,IEEE Fellow // Qian Zhang, Tencent Chair Professor, Department of Computer, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, IEEE Fellow

  • 15:10-15:30

    茶歇 // Tea Break

  • 15:30-15:55

    主题演讲:Challenges and Opportunities of HCI on Novel Smart Devices // Keynote Speech: Challenges and Opportunities of HCI on Novel Smart Devices

    伍楷舜,深圳大学特聘教授,广东省无线大数据与未来网络工程中心主 任,英国工程技术学会会士 // Kaishun Wu, Distinguished Professor of Shenzhen University, Director of Guangdong Wireless Big Data and Future Network Engineering Center, Fellow of the British Academy of Engineering and Technology

  • 15:55-16:20

    主题演讲:Reinforcement Learning-based Informative Path Planning for Robotic Spatial Sensing // Keynote Speech: Reinforcement Learning-based Informative Path Planning for Robotic Spatial Sensing

    郑榕,哈尔滨工业大学人工智能研究院/加拿大麦克马斯特大学教授 // Rong Zheng, Professor of Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, McMaster University, Canada

  • 16:20-16:45

    主题演讲:构建智能终端的基础软件平台 // Keynote Speech: Building a Basic Software Platform for Smart Terminals

    熊谱翔,RT-Thread创始人及 CEO // Puxiang Xiong, Founder and CEO of RT-Thread

  • 16:45-17:10

    主题演讲:Building Intelligence into Reflective Signs – The Cases of Visible Light Backscatter Communication for IoT and I2V Applications // Keynote Speech: Building Intelligence into Reflective Signs – The Cases of Visible Light Backscatter Communication for IoT and I2V Applications

    许辰人,北京大学助理教授、阿里达摩院青橙奖得主 // Chenren Xu, Assistant Professor of Peking University, Winner of Ari Dharma Academy Orange Award

  • 17:10-17:40

    欢迎演讲:Visual AI Applications and Technologies: Trends and Opportunities // Welcome Speech: Visual AI Applications and Technologies: Trends and Opportunities

    Jeff Bier,嵌入式视觉联盟(Embedded Vision Alliance)创始人 // Jeff Bier, Founder of Embedded Vision Alliance

  • 17:40-19:00

    欢迎酒会 // Welcome Reception

  • 17:40-19:30

    海报展示: 嵌入式智能研究前沿探索 // Poster: Frontier Exploration of Embedded Intelligence Research

部分演讲嘉宾 // Our Speakers

Edward A. Lee

加州大学伯克利分校电气工程与计算机科学系杰出教授 // Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley

EECS前系主任 // Ex-Dean of EECS Department

IEEE Fellow

Lothar Thiele

苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)副校长 // Vice President of ETH Zurich

欧洲科学院院士 // Academician of The European Academy of Sciences

赵伟 // Wei Zhao

沙迦美国大学科研副校长 // Vice President of Scientific Research, American University of Sharjah

原澳门大学校长 // Former President at The University of Macau

IEEE Fellow

Tei-Wei Kuo

香港城市大学李兆基讲席教授 // Lee Shau Kee Chair Professor of Information Engineering City University of Hong Kong

校长资深顾问 // Senior Advisor to The President

工学院院长 // Dean of College of Engineering


戴伟民 // Wayne Dai

芯原创始人, 董事长兼总裁 // Founder, Chairman and President of VeriSilicon

加州大学圣克鲁兹分校计算机工程系终身教授 // Tenured Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz

前Celestry董事长兼首席技术长 // Former Chairman and Chief Technology Officer of Celetry

赵峰 // Feng Zhao

海尔集团CTO // CTO of Haier Group

微软亚洲研究院前副院长 // Former Associate President of Microsoft Asia Research Institute

IEEE Fellow

张大庆 // Daqing Zhang

北京大学博雅讲席教授 // Boya Chair Professor, Peking University

欧洲科学院院士 // Academician of The European Academy of Sciences

国家特聘专家 // National Distinguished Experts

IEEE Fellow

叶杰平 // Jieping Ye

滴滴出行副总裁 // Vice President of Didi

AI Labs负责人 // AI Labs Director

IEEE Fellow

张黔 // Qian Zhang

腾讯工程讲席教授 // Tencent Professor of Engineering

香港科技大学计算机科学与工程系教授 // Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

IEEE Fellow

李向阳 // Xiangyang Li

中国科技大学计算机学院院长 // Dean of Computer Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology of China

IEEE Fellow

何田 // Tian He

阿里巴巴本地生活首席科学家,技术副总裁 // Alibaba Local Services Principal Scientist, Technical Vice President


张燕咏 // Yanyong Zhang

中国科技大学计算机学院副院长 // Associate Dean of School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China

IEEE Fellow

王轩 // Xuan Wang

哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)计算机学院院长 // Dean of Computer College of Harbin University of Technology, Shenzhen

哈尔滨工业大学 教授 // Professor of Harbin University of Technology

中国人工智能学会常务理事 // Executive Director of China Artificial Intelligence Society

谭章熹 // Zhangxi Tan

OURS创始人兼CEO // Founder and CEO of OURS

清华伯克利深圳研究生院兼职教授 // Part Time Professor, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute

RIOS图灵奖实验室副主任 // Associate Dean of EECS Department of RIOS Turing Award Laboratory

郑榕 // Rong Zheng

哈尔滨工业大学人工智能研究院/加拿大麦克马斯特大学教授 // Professor of AI Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology / McMaster University, Canada

伍楷舜 // Kaishun Wu

深圳大学特聘教授 // Distinguished Professor of College of Computer Science & Software Engineering, Shenzhen University

广东省无线大数据与未来网络工程中心主任 //

英国工程技术学会会士 // IET Fellow

褚晓文 // Xiaowen Chu

香港浸信会大学计算机科学系教授 // Professor of Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University

张晓东(尼克) // Nick Zhang

乌镇智库理事长 // Director-General of Wuzhen Institute

《人工智能简史》作者 // Author of “A Brief History of AI”

许振斌 // Zhenbin Xu

实地集团首席科学家兼技术工程院院长 // Chief Scientist, President of Technical Engineering Institute of SEEDLAND

孙云雷 // Yunlei Sun

海尔·海纳云副总裁 // Vice president of Haier Haina cloud

中科院绿色产业联盟顾问 // Consultant of green industry alliance of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jeff Bier

嵌入式视觉联盟(Embedded Vision Alliance)创始人 // Founder of Embedded Vision Alliance

赖俊杰 // Junjie Lai

NVIDIA中国区工程及解决方案总监 // Director of Engineering and Solutions, NVIDIA China

张旆 // Pei Zhang

卡内基梅隆大学电气与计算机工程系副教授 // Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

郭展序 // Zhanxu Guo

展动力人才集团创始人兼首席执行官 // Founder and CEO of ZDL Executive Search Group

张哲 // Zhe Zhang

Trifo创始人兼CEO // Founder and CEO of Trifo

熊谱翔 // Puxiang Xiong

RT-Thread创始人及CEO // Founder and CEO of RT-Thread

刘晓涛 // Xiaotao Liu

超节点创新科技(深圳)有限公司联合创始人兼首席执行官 // Co Founder and CEO of Super Node Innovation Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

胡宇晓 // Yuxiao Hu

Futurewei 产品管理高级总监 // Senior Director, AI Product Management, Futurewei Technologies, USA

Jeff Yan

微软首席团队项目经理 // Project Manager for Microsoft's Top Team

樊小毅 // Xiaoyi Fan

江行智能联合创始人和首席技术官 // Co Founder and CTO of Jianghang Intelligent

王丹 // Dan Wang

香港理工大学计算机系副教授 // Associate Professor of Computer Science Department, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

靳战鹏 // Zhanpeng Jin

美国布法罗大学计算机科学与工程系副教授 // Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Buffalo, USA

许辰人 // Chenren Xu

北京大学助理教授 // Assistant Professor of Peking University

阿里达摩院青橙奖得主 // DAMO Academy Young Fellow

王言治 // Yanzhi Wang

东北大学电气与计算机工程系助理教授 // Assistant Professor in The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University

谭睿 // Rui Tan

南洋理工大学计算机科学与工程学院助理教授 // Assistant Professor of School of Computer Science and Engineering,Nanyang Technological University

成瑜娟 // Yujuan Cheng

百度深度学习平台技术部系统架构师 // System Architect of Technology Department of Baidu Deep Learning Platform