大会面向学术界和工业界征求与嵌入式人工智能相关的演讲和海报。演讲投稿为20页以内Powerpoint slides。海报投稿为2页以内摘要。 每个被接受的演讲或海报中至少有一位作者需要注册并参加会议。大会将评选最佳海报奖。 征集海报的题目包括但不限于: // The conference calls for posters and presentations on cutting-edge research related to embedded artificial intelligence from both academia and industry. A Presentation submission should contain no more than 20 Powerpoint slides incuding talk abstract and speaker bio, and a Poster abstract submission should be more longer than 2 A4/US Letter pages. At least one author of each accepted poster or presentation needs to register and attend the conference. The conference will select the best poster award. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: